Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mystery of the Shirt Tumble

As a man, my method of ironing is very simple; we throw the item of clothes in the dryer, turn it on high for five minutes and Vwalla ironing done, bachelor ready to hit the road.

Well for those of you that choy ose this amazing technique that we will never share with our female counterparts, there is a phenomenon that happens every single time that no scientist to this day can explain.

If you have more than one item in the dryer, the one you put in regardless of size and weight will always end up on the bottom at the moment the cycle.

Why does this happen.
Why do we have to dig down to get that one piece of clothing every time.

I don't know
I don't know
I want to know

Minor panic attack.

I'm ok now.

The mystery continues.....

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