Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Spaceship in Charleston

I want to begin by telling a little tale about a father's love for his son. It is full of emotion and intrigue and may even bring a little tear to your eyes. I will be happy to give you a moment to get tissues of you choose...I'm waiting. Are you back yet. Seriously, how long does it take to get a couple of tissues.

My father, who has spent the greater part of the last seven weeks in South America bought me a gift, actually two. Traditionally he brings me back true authentic Colombian coffee but not this year. He told me today he bought me two Cuban Cigars. Even more remarkable he spent $10 each on them. If there is a greater testament to fatherhood, I don't know what it is. I bow and send a high five of kudos to my father. A true humanitarian.

Driving back from market...I thought I would throw in a little European cultural jargon, I saw a spaceship on the 17 south bridge. It was about two feet off the ground, metallic in color, triangular shaped and flashing lights. I could be wrong, but what if I am not.

Are we ready? If so what are we ready for. Something to ponder as you brush your teeth and prepare for what you hope to be a restful and probe-free evening.

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